Have you always known you wanted to have children? If so, why?
Yeah. Because I enjoy children and I wanted my own. Most importantly to give my parents grandchildren.
Did you know how I felt about children and did this affect your decision to marry me?
I knew how you felt but it didn’t affect my decision. I knew it would take some time of me rubbing off on you and expressing my wants.
How did you feel when you found out that I had to have surgery?
I was in shock. I really didn’t understand why you needed to have surgery and what kind of surgery. But I was also sad because I didn’t want it to be a hard or strenuous experience for you.
How did you feel when you found out that we couldn’t get pregnant naturally?
I was taken aback. Not really knowing what to feel at the time but I knew that if there was a will there was a way. Also, that the number one thing was having faith and that God will give you the desires of your heart.
Do you feel cheated?
I don’t feel cheated at all. I feel everything happens for a reason and I just trust the process. The process is knowing that I’m not in control, and that things that have happened are out of our control.
How has our relationship changed through this process?
I definitely think that we have grown more together as one than before. Mainly in our faith. I guess with me being a better husband and supporter by always making sure you are taken care of and not letting you be so independent.
How have you remained positive through this process?
I remained positive because I prayed about everything and I spoke things into existence because the more that you say things the more you believe it. That’s what is in your heart so on the day s that you may struggle you pray about it and that’s what keeps you moving forward.
How did you feel about me blogging about such a sensitive subject?
I think it goes back to how this whole process has changed us and how we have grown. When you asked me about it I instantly moved my personal feelings out of the way and was 100% supportive of you and of what you wanted to do.
How do you feel about me?
I very proud of you and how well you have handled the process, and you know at the same time very thankful that you are going through the process because I know that everybody wouldn’t do it. I know that it is definitely harder on you and your body, harder than anything that I go through or deal with.
What is the most important aspect in our relationship?
Keeping God first and growing together spiritually by reading together, praying together or going to church. So that you can feel like you are not going through anything alone.
What is your role in this Journey to Motherhood besides the obvious?
To put my feelings aside and make sure I’m very supportive of you. To make sure I try to understand what you’re going through physically and emotionally so I can be a great support system for you.
How does it feel knowing that you are one step closer to becoming a father?
It is a great feeling knowing that you are one step closer to your reward which is entering parenthood and bringing a child into this world. It makes me feel proud and that prayers are being answered.
During this process what has been your biggest fear?
The biggest fear was the process itself because it was something I had never even thought about but in my nature and from playing football, you face obstacles you have to drop your shoulder and attack it.
If you had to give advice to other couples going through fertility issues what would you say?
First and foremost have faith because it is not a traditional process and they have to be strong together as one more than ever. They have to be supportive of each other and be flexible to change if it’s something that you really want.
I could not have asked for a better partner to go through this process with me. I may not know where my journey will end but I do know that I'm Blessed!!!
To be continued...
Forever Fierce, Fabulous & Flawless